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List-Magnetik GmbH

Residual Magnetic Field Meter MP-80 V2

Magnetometer / Gaussmeter for measurement of residual magnetism in metal

Residual Magnetic Field Meter MP-80

Version 2

Version 2 of the MP-80 Residual Magnetic Field Meter includes a data logger and a Bluetooth interface so you can manage readings in the device or in the Lima Connect app.


With the handy, battery-operated List-Magnetik MP-80 V2 residual magnetic field meter, you can quickly and reliably determine the residual magnetism, also known as remanence, on ferromagnetic iron and steel parts. The measuring device can also be used to check demagnetized parts.

The Hall sensor in the axial field probe is located at a defined measuring distance of 2.0 mm from the measuring surface.

The supplied calibration standard of 5 A/cm always gives you the certainty that your device is working correctly.


Residual Magnetic Field Meter MP-80
Residual Magnetic Field Meter MP-80


Technical Data Residual Magnetic Field Meter / Gaussmeter / Magnetometer MP-80 V2

Measuring units: A/cm – kA/m - Gauss (Oe) – Tesla
Measuring probe: integrated axial field probe, ø 8mm with defined measuring distance of 2.0 mm
Measuring range DC: Residual Magnetism / Remanence in the range 0-100 A/cm
Accuracy: in the homogeneous field ± 0,3 A/cm up to 10 A/cm,
± 3% of measured value from 10 A/cm
Resolution: 0.1 A/cm or 0.01 mT
Peak Hold: Recording rate approx. 10 readings / second
Display: OLED Graphic Display illuminated
Analog display: bar graph
Menu navigation: English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Hungarian, Polish, Dutch
Data logger: 4000 measured values flexibly divisible
Statistics: count / maximum / minimum / average / standard deviation
Interface: Bluetooth Low Energy interface for communication with Android, iOS and Windows
App for Android, iOS, Windows: free of charge via Google Play Store, Apple App Store, List-Magnetik website
Power Supply: 1x 1.5 V AA Mignon
Operating Time: approx. 40 hours
Dimensions: Ø 28 x 103 mm
Weight: 70 g with battery
Data sheet MP-80


Scope of supply Residual Magnetic Field Meter / Gaussmeter / Magnetometer MP-80 V2:

Residual Magnetic Field Meter MP-80 V2 with integrated axial field probe, USB Bluetooth receiver, calibration standard 5 A/cm, spare battery and case, including calibration certificate Residual Magnetic Field Meter MP-80 Residual Magnetic Field Meter MP-80

Recommended Optionals Residual Magnetic Field Meter MP-80

Zero Gauss Chamber NGK-10

In order to be able to carry out the probe calibration for magnetic field measuring devices independently of the earth's magnetic field, a shielded Zero Gauss Chamber helps

Zero Gauss Chamber NGK-10 Zero Gauss Chamber NGK-10

Measuring instruments by List-Magnetik - Made in Germany - Quality and durability

Firmware Update TCV2

Firmware Update
TOP-CHECK Dual, Ferro, Ferro-1000, FERRITE-CHECK 140, MP-810A/810T, MP-80V2
Revision 1.166

List-Magnetik GmbH

Click here for Update

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Note on how to use

Magnetic field meters from List-Magnetik are suitable for measuring direct and alternating magnetic fields up to a maximum of 20 kHz with a measuring range from a minimum of 0.01 mT (= 10 µT) to a maximum of 5 T. These are fields with a strength of at least the earth's magnetic field.
However, they are not suitable for measuring high-frequency electromagnetic fields in the sense of an EMC test or electric fields in the range of a few µT.
There are special EMC meters on the market for this purpose, which we do not sell.